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 Mary is the Mother of Jesus. Mary is the new Eve Eve is our human mother, who separated us from God's Life by Original sin. But Mary reunites us with God's Life in her son, Jesus. She undoes Eve's sin. So Mary is our Heavenly Mother... Jesus is God, the Son... the second Person in God's Holy Trinity. So we say that, Mary is the Mother of God


Yet God has no beginning or end, so He has no birth in Heaven. Only when God wanted to become a human like us was He BORN into our world. And the Mother of His human birth was Mary... That's why we say Mary is the Mother of God. She is the Mother of the Son of God, Jesus, who is himself God.


As God's future mother, Mary was born without original sin.


Mary was born wrapped in God's Glory... with The ROBE OF GLORY. Because Mary was never separated from God's love by sin, she shared in God's life filled with His love. This was the gift God gave Mary as Jesus' future mother.


So we call Mary by a special name: The IMMACULATE CONCEPTION


Immaculate means clean, and conception means birth. Mary is the Immaculate Conception, because she was born clean without original sin.


Sin makes us turn away from God, and to say no to His love. So Mary had to be free of all sin, even original sin, if she was to be God's mother.


Mary shared in God's life. She loved God completely. No sin separated her from God.


Born without original sin, Mary loved God more than herself. She was never selfish. Mary never sinned. She never turned away from God. So Mary shared in God's life through the gifts of world... Just like Adam and Eve did in Jesusspeakstome before they sinned. This is why Mary was chosen to become the mother God's Son


Mary did everything to please God. So when the Angel Gabriel came to her, and asked Mary to be the mother of Jesus, she said, "Yes."


We remember this special day every time we pray with the same words as God's angel...


"Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you..."


Learn "The Hail Mary" by heart. This prayer makes God very happy, because we remember Jesus' Mother with love when we pray them.




Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you; Blessed are you among woman; And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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