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Caravan dwellers, Sinti and Roma spend a lot of time and attention to the first communion. It is a major event. The preparations are now increasingly from the parishes place, whether or not in conjunction with the Catholic schools. Of caravans, Sinti and Roma children are invited to participate. If they, for whatever reason, can not participate, parents sometimes find themselves a church (you) where they can go with their children. Then follow their own preparation and private celebration.


The communicant itself is not at all shy in this outdoor celebration. Without faltering, he speaks the Lord's Prayer, and everyone does it.

The moment of communion-de-catch is followed respectfully and attentively. Then may be partying. Food and drink are plentiful and natural. This is a day that everyone will soon forget.


The theme of the service is "The sun shines for everyone," and exactly at the time of onset, three o'clock in the afternoon, it begins to drizzle. Yet no one wants to move the celebration to the adjacent marquee.

The communicant begins with a song. A children's choir sings in their own language, Romanes. After readings from the Bible, prayers are pronounced. Seven pieces. In parallel, there are candles to be lit, but it's wet and windy. No problem. From their midst gets a solid, broad young forwards each flame with his big hands and body protects and keeps burning. Because without a candle prayer can simply not.

Festivities is part of life, and certainly in that of caravan dwellers, Sinti and Roma. At a first communion simply can not be ignored. Everything is out of the closet to make it a grand feast of it: in the church or chapel, on site or in a chartered hall. Communion dresses (especially for the girls in wedding style), transportation to and from the church and food and drinks are hardly cost savings.



Of course it must be so that joint celebration of caravans, Sinti and Roma children with their peers first communion, but sometimes it can not be otherwise. In the summer there in the local parish church in Stein no opportunity for the First Communion of Moenze go de Gelder and therefore is on July 24 in the middle of the caravan site an outdoor church decorated. Children and relatives are extra nicely dressed. Cousins ​​are all in white, as well as the party they themselves. The priest who had been approached for the service, all the way from 's-Hertogenbosch.

Preserving tradition

An experience story

"In our district is a small chapel. Past, when we were still on the large center, we did in this chapel the first communion. At the parish pastor we asked our kids, instead of in the church, also their first communion could celebrate. But no, he did not make any exceptions. Town and country we have been called to those on the might care. first-commu nieviering our daughter our desired date I think I've learned that it is not easy to find a priest to maintain our tradition: private celebration, a private family celebration and own wedding clothes It will cost us a lot of persuasion to celebrate the places and times that are important to us, "the communions.

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